I bought 1426 Ives Pl SE on 12/08/2010.

This is a photo chronology of the demo and remodeling.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

tool shed

In order to de-clutter the backyard, I needed a storage solution.  I built a shed this weekend.  No plans were used, just a bunch of 2x3s, OSB (plywood), and a salvaged door.  I painted it with the leftover exterior house and guest bedroom paint.


laying out the framing

shed floor and one wall

door installed



dusty dog

Friday, August 31, 2012


My aunt Carlie is an amazing artist.  I decided to procure one of her watercolors as they exude such a Midwestern elegance.  This is part of her Iowa Wildflower Series from a few decades ago which depicts and American bellflower and an evening primrose.  It's now hanging between the windows in the master bedroom.  I may move the bed to this wall soon.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another Milestone

This blog now has over 20,000 hits.  Seriously? I had no idea it would be so popular.

Monday, July 30, 2012

a little art

I was in Culpeper, VA last week for work and decided to mill about town.  There was a vintage/antique shop called Found.  They had a lot really cool stuff at quite reasonable prices (I swear, they aren't paying me to say this), but this road runner print caught my eye right away.  Apparently, it was owned by the Ambassador to Lebanon during LBJ.  More art to come, soon.

Living Room Rug

It turns out having all wood floors doesn't make for a warm feeling in the house.  I decided to put a rug in the living room.  This one is from Flor.


the underside

got sent one tile too few

and complete

Connie loves it, especially because the style is called House Pet

Thursday, June 14, 2012

meet the newest addition to the house

Ms. Cornelia Fairbanks.  You can call her Connie.

2 year old female black lab mix
i got her from a lab rescue

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

back splash set

now it just needs some grout.  suggestions on color?  i have brilliant white, but i may opt for something else.

Monday, June 11, 2012

back splash install

Heath Ceramics

hand packed

learning phase

~25% done

getting the hang of it

almost done
I am finished with the setting of it, but forgot to take photos.  I still need to grout them, which may happen this week.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

roof painting

Secretary Chu says we should paint our roofs white.

On Friday, I heeded his advice.

If you do this, be sure to use a poly-elastomer paint that will expand and contract with the weather.  1 gallon per 100 square feet

Monday, May 21, 2012

backyard gardening

I got a few Woolly Pockets to hang on the back fence, essentially blocking the view to Penn Ave (with the help of some young English ivy).  Looks like I'll need a couple more pockets.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


i was at home depot on friday and had an idea for benches.  a couple hours later, voila!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

more roof deck and backyard shots

painting the stair black

a view from Pennsylvania Ave

2/3 of the lights in the backyard

lit up

and from Penn Ave

Thursday, May 3, 2012