I bought 1426 Ives Pl SE on 12/08/2010.

This is a photo chronology of the demo and remodeling.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tear the Roof off the Sucker


  1. Love that natural light! Really sets off the decor. (OK. Now just wait a minute before posting. Anything else you feel compelled to say, Ginnie? Oh! Yes!)

    Will you be salvaging the window trim? I really like it. But maybe it won't go with your mid-century furnishings.

  2. unfortunately, no. they are most likely covered in lead paint, and some are already trashed...

    i can get the same stuff at home depot and i probably will.

    i'm not really going for a mid-century look, it just so happens that i have mid-century things.

    glad you're enjoying it, gin-pin!

  3. The picture of the window from the inside is actually quite beautiful. Maybe one to frame when the house is done as a reminder of how far she (he? it?) has come.

  4. thanks! that's a good idea. i think my house is a she, because she acts like a bad girlfriend (aggravating, annoying, and expensive, but i still love her)
